
Just another Gal with Endometriosis

October Nor’easter October 30, 2011

Filed under: Odds and Ends — EndoGal @ 11:19 PM
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Grapefruit Jack-o'-lantern

Image by L.Richarz via Flickr

Yup, you’re reading that correctly – a Nor’easter in October. You can thank the always unpredictable New England weather for that!

I do love where I love. I love having 4 seasons and getting to enjoy so many different things: foliage, snow, and humid summers! I do not like the cold. In fact, I loathe the cold; but, I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else!

Yesterday, in my part of Massachusetts, we were forecasted to get 6-10″ of snow. When we woke up this morning, there were about 4″ of very wet and heavy snow. A lot of it melted which means there’s going be icy roads tonight and tomorrow morning. Yuck. It’s too early for this. My husband was just wondering when he should put our car’s snow tires on and kept saying it’s too early. Then, the snowstorm hits and he can’t find the time to get them on fast enough!

What’s the worst part of all this? Well, first I have to say that I’m one of the lucky ones as far as the storm is concerned. We have no damage and never lost power (about 85% of our area has lost power). The part that stinks is that tomorrow is Halloween and some towns have postponed trick-or-treating due to the poor conditions (trees and power lines down, messy sidewalks, etc.). Next weekend, we were planning to be out of state and now that’s when “Halloween” will be for our town. Boo. What’s even worse than that? Hmm…the 3 bags of candy I got on sale and with a coupon yesterday when I went grocery shopping. One week with 3 bags of candy. NOT GOOD!

Oh well! We will still be able to get to the mall for their Halloween trick-or-treating and we may go visit a friend if Halloween is “still on” in their town. Oh wait a big pain in my butt! On the bright side, my daughter gets to experience a longer than normal Halloween and will get to wear her costume 2x in a week! That will be fun!


What I Love About Blogging October 18, 2011

Filed under: Odds and Ends — EndoGal @ 4:06 PM
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Psalm 34:18 (Clouded Heart)

Image by Lel4nd via Flickr

I didn’t expect anything to come out of blogging! I figured I’d just write about my life on this empty, virtual canvas, and it would give me an outlet (other than my husband’s ear) to blab about whatever was bothering me about the medical issue of the day (that’s how it seems these days)!

Blogging is better than Facebook! On Facebook, everybody knows way too damn much about you (usually because you worked with, went to school with, or are related to these people).

On my blog, I am EndoGal. People know I have endometriosis, adhesions and some other medical mystery! I’m a 30 something year old mom and wife. I live in Massachusetts. I have issues and so do my followers and the people I follow. It’s a great way to connect with others like you. It’s an even better way to share things that are specific to what you’re going through. Nothing is better than that! Case in point: I just had a couple of great exchanges with Making Babies on the NHS – it’s a great blog and you should check it out. And honestly, it just totally made my day! It’s really awesome when you find people that you can relate to and that’s why I love blogging!